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Estate Planning FAQ

December 22, 2014
Did you know that you have an estate? It’s true! Not the sort of estate that contains a large house and lots of land in the countryside, but an estate made up of everything you own. All of your money and property blend...

What Are Gift Taxes?

December 22, 2014
The season of giving is right around the corner, making this a very apt time to talk about the legal stipulations of giving gifts. Although we don’t want to scare you away from giving generously, it’s important to...

Notifying Beneficiaries of a Trust

December 22, 2014
When a Grantor passes away, the Trustee of the estate must step into action. There are numerous tasks to complete, including collecting assets, paying taxes and bills, filing accountings, managing money for beneficiaries,...

What Is a 1031 Exchange?

December 22, 2014
Typically, when you sell business or investment real property, you’re required to pay capital gains tax on the sale. Taxes are a fact of life, but wouldn’t you prefer to defer paying your taxes if you could? 1031...

Estate Planning Vocabulary

October 17, 2014
Do you speak legalese? Whether you do or you don’t, you’ll be happy to know that English is still the preferred language of American attorneys. Communication is key when it comes to estate planning, so if your...

How to Choose a Trustee for Your Estate

October 14, 2014
If you’re reading this article, I think it’s safe to assume that you either (1) have an estate plan already or (2) are aiming to create one soon. So first of all, good work! You’re ahead of the pack and...

What Are the Duties of a Trustee?

October 10, 2014
If you want to have trust in your trust, it is essential you choose the right trustee. Many people choose to be their own trustee (who can you trust if not yourself, after all?). Others share trusteeship with their spouse, so...

Supreme Court Ruling on Inherited IRAs

October 8, 2014
Just a few months ago, in June 2014, the Supreme Court ruled inherited Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are not protected from the beneficiary’s creditors, because there are key differences between an inherited IRA...